In 2017 the House of Yahweh began a medical screening program with Benevolence Health Centers organization; Benevolence brought their Mobile Health Screening Unit to the House of Yahweh twice each month. The medical professions who operate the mobile unit would provide health care screening examinations for our clients and give them referrals for free medical services for any issue discovered during the screening.
Many of our clients are sick and need care but of course they have no insurance and no money to pay for treatment. The partnership with BHC was filling a desperate need and was delivering much needed, free health care. Please check our Events List to see when the next Mobile Health Screening Unit will be visiting the House of Yahweh. The event will be shown on the list as BMC Mobile Health Screening. If you don't see a screening event listed, please call the office at 310-675-1384 to inquire. |